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Dream life with GREATDANE 상세보기

Dream life with GREATDANE 상세보기

Dream life with GREATDANE
Dream life with GREATDANE 마츠모토 세이지 (MATSUMOTO Seiji)

I dream a lot.
Talk to people you've never met and feel nostalgic in places you've never been.
I feel that in my dreams, I reconstruct in my brain the fragments of the scenes I saw and the emotions I felt in reality, and visualize the essential parts of me.
By manifesting the dream world in the real world, my dream will remain in someone's memory, and if I see that dream, a mysterious phenomenon called a chain of dreams will occur.

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저는 꿈속에서 제가 본 장면의 파편들과 현실에서 느꼈던 감정들을 뇌 속에 재구성하고, 제 본질적인 부분들을 시각화한다는 것을 느낍니다.
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